Tuesday, March 29, 2016


“Aunty Pesh”, as I fondly called you, I was not surprised when I received the news of your death through your son Chike. I worship the living God for taking you for a well-deserved rest because you had battled illness for 3 years.
            Your Golden Voice will forever remain fresh for it was Angelic. What about the aroma from your kitchen? No visitor left your house without being served even in odd times. Your giving was extra-ordinary.
            Autny Pesh, your service in His vineyard especially during the period of the Very Revd. Isaiah, our Late Provost and his wife, Mrs. Grace Agbaim where you served as PCC member and Secretary Cathedral women for many years, leader of first old group 3 women of All Saints Cathedral where your group took first position for almost a decade cannot be forgotten. You were the first Editor-in-chief of All Saints Cathedral Women Crown Magazine.
            At the Diocesan level, after the death of Late Mrs. Chinwuzie, you became the secretary of women ministry. You were one of the core executive of Late Mrs. Beatrice Onyemelukwe, ‘Nnedioramma’ , the wife of Late Arch. Bishop and Bishop on the Niger, His Grace Most Rev. Jonathan A. Onyemelukwe throughout their episcopacy.  A recipient of the Diocesan Merit Award and a synod delegate for more than two decades, where you performed creditably as the chairman of  Resolution and Communique committee. ‘Patie Nwa Onwuatu’, as you used to call yourself, spent all her time and resources serving God and humanity.
            You were so humerous. I will miss all your ribs-cracking jokes. I will really miss so many other things, I wouldn’t mention, but I took my solace in Psalm 116 verse 15 which says “Precious in the sight of God is the death of his saint”.
I bid you farewell with this song:
“Asleep in Jesus
Blessed sleep
From which none ever wakes to weep
A Calm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the last of foes”
Adieu Auntie Pesh!

Your friend
Lady Linda Chiedu

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